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Skills - Matlab, C-CAPT, D-CAPT, Quadrotor Control, PID


Path Planning for Multi-Robot Systems



Phase-1: Implement C-CAPT on 2D robots

The first phase of the project dealt with writing and implementing C-CAPT (Centralized - Concurrent Assignment and Planning of Trajectories) for a 2D non-holonomic robot. I used the Hungarian algorithm to do the assignment with additional constraints to ensure collision avoidance. The figure shown shows the start, goal and yellow robots.

Phase-2: Implement C-CAPT on Quadrotors in 3D cartesian space

This phase dealt with implementing C-CAPT to plan quadrotor trajectories. Since the quad dynamics are non-linear , one needs to design either a non-linear controller or linearize the dynamics around thehover state assuming the roll and pitch are very small. I designed a model based PID controller for this particular task. The figure shows multiple drones going from one goal to another.

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