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Path Planning for Pacman

Skills - Python, A*, Graph Search, Data Structures


Phase-1: Implement DFS, BFS and UCS for Pacman

Pacman, as we all know, is a classic game . Advances in Artificial Intelligence has tried to learn games like Pacman, Chess, Go etc. This project is one such attempt. Designed for the course CS188 at UC Berkeley, this project deals with implementing graph search algorithms to help Pacman eat all the dots.

In this of the project, I had to implement Depth First Search (DFS), Breadth First Search (BFS) and Uniform Cost Search (UCS)  

Phase-2: Implement A* with various heuristics for Pacman

A* is one of the most optimum graph search method. A well designed heuristic can reduce the search space drastically. The heuristics I implemented here are manhattan distance and the euclidean distance. 

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